A Day with Ahmed

In Giza yesterday I was able to visit some amazing sights and experience the wonderful local hospitality. The people here are very welcoming and kind, I have found a sense of love and acceptance that is unique to any part of the world I have visited. Usually people I meet are just as guarded as I am in talking to new people, here it was different and I encountered this rare openness.

The highlight of my day was the Bedouin man I met named Ahmed, he approached me while I stood on a hill at the step pyramid and stared out into the massive desert that lay in front of me. What a sight! We began talking and consequently spent about 2 hours together sharing stories and asking one another questions. He is 55 and has no known address or last name, he lives a nomadic life in a tent within the desert. He was as interested in knowing of me as I was of him and we got along great, his English from living near the small village and dealing with foreigners was impeccable. I asked him how his English was so good and he explained that he has been talking with visitors for 35 years, it is how he gets his news and views of the outside world. He has never been out of Egypt or on an airplane. His camel Sam is 10 years old and should live to about 20, although Sam gave me a good bite on the shoulder to say hi and he and I got on great!

What an amazing day I experienced and one that I was able to get some amazing images as well. It is so very funny that at one point I refused to take photos of people and now not only is that what I am drawn to but I am beginning to get better at it! Funny how life works out.

Mark A. Middleton