Santiago Subway

Outside of shooting weddings my first real foray into photographing people came in 2008 in NYC. I came away with a shot of Times Square that is still today one of my favorite street photographs. This week I photographed for an entire afternoon the subway in Santiago, Chile. I sat at lunch one afternoon reading an iBook on my phone about one man's obsession with street photography; I became inspired! I went back to my room, got out a camera and chose a 50mm 1.2 lens and set out to capture the busiest place in the city.

In my street photography the images that connect with me are the ones that convey emotion, an image where I can always go back and find a new aspect that I may have missed before. As the photographer, burned into my memory is the moment I got off the subway and looked up to see all the people bustling through the station, the fan blowing a mist down into the hot corridor, everything happening so fast as I lifted my camera above my head and clicked the shutter. Just after shooting this frame the officer on the right side of the photograph came up to me and told me that photographs in the metro were not allowed, this has become common throughout the world since the attacks of 9/11 and the continued terrorism around the world.